Section 1: Calculating the Theoretical Yield of a Reaction

For a reaction, if you know the amounts of the reactants used, you can calculate the theoretical yield of a product.

The theoretical yield is the yield that would be produced if the reaction proceeded exactly (ie 100 percent) as indicated by the balanced equation.

Theoretical yield is a MASS or a VOLUME, depending on the reaction. On the next screens you will first see how to calculate a theoretical MASS yield and then you will see how to calculate a theoretical VOLUME yield.
Consider the reaction shown below.
If you used 1 mole of Ethanoic Acid and 1 mole of Ethanol, according to the equation you should produce 1 mole of Ethyl Ethanoate.
CH3COOH + C2H5OH ---------» «--------- CH3COOC2H5 + H20
1 mole1 mole1 mole
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