Example of an Ethanol Dilution

"You need to prepare 500 ml of 40 % Ethanol from Ethanol (96 per cent) BP. What volume of Ethanol (96 per cent) BP do you need?

The long approach uses the definition of percent volume in volume:

"Percent Volume in Volume gives the number of millilitres
of a component in 100 millilitres of the total system."

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Long Approach Using Definition of Percent Volume in Volume

"You need to prepare 500 ml of 40 % Ethanol from Ethanol (96 per cent) BP. What volume of Ethanol (96 per cent) BP do you need?

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Percent Volume in Volume gives the number of millilitres
of a component in 100 millilitres of the total system.
Find how many millilitres of Absolute Ethanol are needed in 500 ml
of 40 % v/v Ethanol.
A concentration of 40 % v/v means that:
100 ml of the solution contains 40 ml of Absolute Ethanol. Thus:
500 ml of the solution contains 500/100 x 40 ml = 200 ml of Absolute Ethanol.
Ethanol (96 per cent) BP contains 96.0 to 96.6 % Ethanol giving an average of 96.3 %.
Find what volume of Ethanol (96 per cent) BP contains 200 ml of Ethanol.
A concentration of 96.3 % means there are:
96.3 ml of Ethanol in every 100 ml of solution. Thus:
200 ml of Ethanol are in 200/96.3 x 100 ml
200 ml of Ethanol are in 207.7 ml of solution.
207.7 ml of Ethanol (96 per cent) BP are needed.
207.7 ml Ethanol (96 per cent) BP to      500 ml Water
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The short approach uses the following equation:

Concentration1 x Quantity1 = Concentration2 x Quantity2

Concentration1 = Concentration of Original Solution
Quantity1 = Quantity (mass or volume) of Original Solution
Concentration2 = Concentration of New Solution
Quantity2 = Quantity (mass of volume) of New Solution

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Derivation of the Equation

One definition of concentration expressed as a percent weight in volume is:

"Percent weight in volume is the mass - in grams - of a
component present in 100 millilitres of the total system"

This definition leads to the following equation:

Concentration % w/v = Mass (in grams) x           100          
Volume (in ml)

Now, for any dilution, the mass of the component stays the same:
you haven't added anymore of the component.

Rearranging the equations produces:
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Rearranging the Equations

Before Dilution

Concentration1 = Mass x       100      
Concentration1 x Quantity1 = Mass x 100
Concentration1 x Quantity1 =

After Dilution

Concentration2 = Mass x       100      
Concentration2 x Quantity2 = Mass x 100
  Concentration2 x Quantity2

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Short Solution Using an Equation

"You need to prepare 500 ml of 40 % Ethanol from Ethanol (96 per cent) BP. What volume of Ethanol (96 per cent) BP do you need?

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The short approach uses a simple equation used for many dilution questions:

Derivation of the Equation

One definition of concentration expressed as a percent weight in volume is:

"Percent weight in volume is the mass - in grams - of a
component present in 100 millilitres of the total system"

This definition leads to the following equation:

Concentration % w/v = Mass (in grams) x           100          
Volume (in ml)

Now, for any dilution, the mass of the component stays the same:
you haven't added anymore of the component.

Rearranging the equations produces:
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Rearranging the Equations

Before Dilution

Concentration1 = Mass x       100      
Concentration1 x Quantity1 = Mass x 100
Concentration1 x Quantity1 =

After Dilution

Concentration2 = Mass x       100      
Concentration2 x Quantity2 = Mass x 100
  Concentration2 x Quantity2

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You can solve this problem in two ways. The first approach is long and uses the definition of percent volume in volume. The second approach is shorter and uses a simple equation.