Formaldehyde Continued

For preparations involving Formaldehyde, you must CHECK whether the preparation asks for Formaldehyde itself, or, whether it asks for Formaldehyde Solution/Formalin because this will affect the calculation.
Click Here For Example of
Preparation Asking For
Click Here for Example of
Preparation Asking For
Formaldehyde Solution BP
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the Two Examples
Example of Preparation Asking For Formaldehyde

How much Formaldehyde Solution BP is needed to prepare 150 ml of a 4 % solution of Formaldehyde?

Because Formaldehyde is a gas, Formaldehyde concentrations are always
given as a percent WEIGHT IN WEIGHT.
You therefore need to prepare a 4 % w/w solution of Formaldehyde.
  1. Find the weight of 150 ml of the 4 % solution.
    Formaldehyde Solution BP has a density of about 1.08 g/ml. You can assume that the 4 % solution also has a density of about 1.08 g/ml. Thus: 1 ml of the 4 % solution weighs 1.08 g. Thus:
    150 ml of the 4 % solution weighs 150 x 1.08 g = 162 g
    You need to prepare 162 g of the 4 % solution.
  1. Find the mass of Formaldehyde Solution BP needed.
    The concentration of Formaldehyde Solution BP is 34-38 % giving an
    average of 36 %. Using the equation:
    Concentration1 x Quantity1 = Concentration2 x Quantity2
    36           x Quantity1 =              4             x      162
    Quantity1 =   648   g = 18 g
    You need 18 grams of Formaldehyde Solution BP.
18 g Formaldehyde Solution BP 144 g Water
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Example of Preparation Asking For Formalin

How much Formaldehyde Solution BP 1988 is needed to prepare 150 ml of a 4 % solution of Formalin?

Formalin is another name for Formaldehyde Solution BP 1988. Thus a 4 % solution of Formalin is a 4 % v/v solution of Formaldehyde Solution BP.
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Example of Preparation Asking For Formaldehyde:
How much Formaldehyde Solution BP 1988 is needed to prepare 150 ml of a 4 % solution of Formaldehyde?
18 g   Formaldehyde Solution BP 144 g Water
Note how the formula specifies the MASS of Formaldehyde Solution BP and the MASS of water to use.
Example of Preparation Asking For Formalin:
How much Formaldehyde Solution BP 1988 is needed to prepare 150 ml of a 4 % solution of Formalin?
6 ml     Formaldehyde Solution BP to   150 ml Water
Note how the formula specifies the VOLUME of Formaldehyde Solution BP and up to what VOLUME the water should go.
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