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CPD for Pharmacy Students in Great Britain image
General Information about CPD How to allow others to view your on-line CPD records Technical help for those experiencing problems
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Authorised Viewers

To log into the authorised viewer section of the CPD site, click on the link below

How it works

If you keep your CPD record online, you can provide access to others using the viewer's facility. You may wish to do this for your line manager or other colleagues, friends or anyone else who may support your CPD. PCTs, LHBs and others who may have a role in monitoring CPD may also find this function useful.

If you wish to have access to someone else's CPD record, the onus is on you to approach him or her. The CPD user (pharmacist or technician) is in control of who sees what.

If a user wishes to provide you with access to their CPD record, they will set you up as an authorised viewer and will provide you with a username and password along with their membership number. You then use these details to log in as an authorised viewer from the login on this page. This login should not to be confused with the login used to access your own CPD record.

Remember, if you are given access to someone else's CPD record, they are not putting it in the public domain. You should respect the confidentiality of their record and only make copies with their permission.

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