Hypertension - Example Exercises (V2.01)

Example Exercise 1

Patient Details:
- White, male, aged 49, heavy smoker, BMI 29.1
- Cardiovascular disease risk: 15.2%
- No signs of target organ damage, cardiovascular disease,
  or renal or liver disease
- Not diabetic
- Initial clinic BP: 149/96 mmHg
- ABPM daytime average BP: 144/92 mmHg
- Diagnosed with stage 1 hypertension
- Clinic BP after step 1 treatment: 145/93 mmHg

- Advice on lifestyle modifications
- Step 1 treatment: ACE inhibitor
- Step 2 treatment: ACE inhibitor
  PLUS calcium channel blocker
SECOND REVIEW APPOINTMENT (Effectiveness Of Step 2 Treatment)
The patient has been taking the combination of the following:
  • ACE inhibitor
  • Calcium channel blocker

for about a month and is now on the optimal tolerated dose of each drug.

You measure his blood pressure to see how well the treatment is working.

The patient's clinic blood pressure is now 137/88 mmHg.