Patient Details:
- White, male, aged 49, heavy smoker, BMI 29.1
- Cardiovascular disease risk: 15.2%
- No signs of target organ damage, cardiovascular disease,
or renal or liver disease
- Not diabetic
- Initial clinic BP: 149/96 mmHg
- ABPM daytime average BP: 144/92 mmHg
- Diagnosed with
stage 1 hypertension
- Advice on lifestyle modifications
- Step 1 treatment: ACE inhibitor
FIRST REVIEW APPOINTMENT (Effectiveness Of Step 1 Treatment)
The patient has been taking the ACE inhibitor for about a month and is now on the optimal tolerated dose.
You measure his blood pressure to see how well the treatment is working.
The patient's clinic blood pressure is now 145/93 mmHg.