How to Do Conversions

In the next screens, you are asked to convert between SI Units of volume.

To convert from a larger unit to a smaller unit

  1. Find by how many times the larger unit is bigger than the smaller unit
  2. Multiply the larger unit by this number

To convert from a smaller unit to a larger unit

  1. Find by how many times the smaller unit is less than the larger unit
  2. Divide the smaller unit by this number
Convert 45 millilitres to microlitres.

1 ml = 10-3 l
1 µl = 10-6 l

1 ml is 10-3 times ie 103 times larger than 1 µl
Thus: 45 ml = 45 x 1000 µl = 45000 µl
Click to Continue
Convert 565 microlitres to millilitres.

1 ml = 10-3 l
1 µl = 10-6 l

1 µl is 10-3 times ie 103 times smaller than a ml
Thus: 565 µl = 565 / 1000 ml = 0.565 ml
Click to Continue